Tag Archives: Maxwell Lord

First Glimpse Of Peter As Maxwell Lord

CBS has released new video footage from its upcoming series “SuperGirl”, giving us our first glimpse of Peter as Maxwell Lord.  As stated in Wikipedia, “He is a shrewd and powerful businessman who was very influential in the formation of the Justice League International in DC Comics”.  We look forward to seeing Peter’s take on this character and how he develops in the future.  SuperGirl is airing on CBS, October 26th.  Make sure to mark your calendars!

Peter To Portray Maxwell Lord on CBS’s Supergirl

Peter as a troublemaker?  Is it possible?  You will find out this fall when he is seen in CBS’s new series “Supergirl”.  Peter will have a recurring role as Maxwell Lord, previously known for being a villain and badboyBe sure to set a side your Monday nights this fall so that you can watch Peter bring Maxwell Lord to life.  Supergirl will be airing on CBS, Monday nights at 8 p.m.  Stay tuned here for more details as they become available.




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