Tag Archives: Glee

Peter Returns as Rupert Campion in Glee

Peter returns as Rupert Campion in an all new episode of Glee tomorrow, February 25, 2014 at 8/7c.  In this episode, Rupert is attempting to find an understudy for Rachel (Lea Michele) in Funny Girl.  The series will continue on Tuesday nights for the duration of this spring season.  Photos from this episode are located in the Gallery.


Video Clip of Peter on Glee

Below is a short video of Peter’s appearance on the Glee episode “The End of Twerk”.  On the series, Peter plays Rupert Campion who is the director of the Broadway show “Funny Girl”.  In this video, Peter’s character is observing/critiquing the scene between Rachel (Lea Michele) and Paolo (Ioan Gruffudd).



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