Tag Archives: Armani

Peter Turns Heads with His Stylish Choice of Clothing

Peter’s presence at the Armani “One Night Only” event on October 24th was not the only reason that people noticed the actor.  Peter’s choice of attire was very adventurous in a typically traditional setting of black tuxedos and ties.  Peter donned grey slacks, a shirt with no tie and a suave velvet dinner jacket which was chic and elegant.  To read more on his stylish choice, check out the article.

peter velvet

Vanity Fair’s Interview with Peter at Armani’s One Night Only Event

Vanity Fair spoke briefly with Peter at the Armani One Night Only Event in New York last night.  Peter discussed his brief stint in the modeling arena while he was in college.  He revealed that this was a way for him to help pay for his college costs.  From the looks of his past modeling photos, it appears that Peter would have had a successful career in this field, had he chosen to follow that path.  The complete Vanity Fair article is available online.

Vanity Fair



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