Tag Archives: Los Angeles

NY and CA Book Signing Events for After The Red Rain!

**  Please note that unfortunately Peter will not be able to attend the August 5th signing in State Island**

Don’ t miss your chance to purchase a copy of After The Red Rain and have it personally signed by Peter and Barry Lyga!  On August 4th & 5th, Peter & Barry will be in NYC at the Barnes & Noble (Union Square and Staten Island) signing copies.  They will then travel to LA and be meeting and greeting fans on August 6th at The Grove.  Don’t miss this opportunity to meet these great writers, get your copy of their book and a photo with them.  Details for the events are available on Barry’s blog.


NBC Los Angeles Interview

During this interview, Peter discusses the closeness of the Cullens both on and off the set. He also touched on the weather during the filming of the wedding scene, his multiple projects that he is working on or has recently completed and his touching moment with a fan. Also included is a video interview with Peter and his daughter, Luca, on the Breaking Dawn – Part 1 LA Premiere.

View more videos at: http://nbclosangeles.com.



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